Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Brand Spanking New

So this blog starts on an odd note - I broke my mirror this morning. That's seven years of bad luck, right? Either that or I'm so ugly that my mirror shattered in horror. Which is bad luck anyway. Regardless of how you judge it - it's not a great start for a fashion blogger.
Anyway, my musings today concern the pre-spring collections and bold statement clothing. Being a longtime follower of Chanel, monochromatic is my thing. I could name every shade of white, black and grey under the sun. But hey, it's a new decade right? It's time to try new things.And it's summer. And in summer, anything goes. Welcome to my living mood board.

Colour palette

1 comment:

  1. Great first post, love the moodboard! Can't wait for the next installment.
